114th Aviation Company
"Knights of the Air"

Vietnam 1963 - 1972


Agent Orange Database

Our research specialists have worked tirelessly for months putting together the most intricate Agent Orange database ever contrived.  They have compiled many of the herbicide spraying missions in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia, from May 15, 1960 - May 4, 1971.  Phase I of the Agent Orange Missions release lists 82% of all missions, consisting of 10.3 gallons of herbicides sprayed in Southeast Asia.  The database consists of dates of spraying missions, the mission numbers, the amount of herbicide sprayed, and the location of each spraying mission.  Also, towns and villages where the spraying mission took place. 

Any veteran looking for information to corroborate their disability claim with regard to herbicide exposure may find our database helpful. File: Agent Orange Missions


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Created by Terry A. Dell, White Knight Crewchief 69-70' Republic of Vietnam 
in association with members of the 114th Assault Helicopter Company
 who served May 1963 to February 1972.

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