114th Aviation Company
MEMBERS A meeting was held on Saturday, August 2, 2003 of those interested in possible formation of an organization to supplement the 114th Aviation Company Association. Attended by approximately 25 persons, primarily spouses, the meeting was led by Stanley Shipman. Stanley gave a little history of the formation
of the 114th Association, how it was designed as a veterans organization
requiring most of the membership to be persons who had served with the 114th and
units attached. So the organization is finite and there are family members
who think that the history of the organization should be carried on by family
members, spouses, children, and grandchildren. Many in attendance indicated that they had
children who would be interested. Sharon Owens made the motion to form
some sort of auxiliary. May Jones seconded. Discussion followed in
which some names were discussed since most indicated they did not want to call
it an auxiliary. Some ideas were Heritage Association of the 114th,
Heritage and Legacy of Family and Friends of the 114th (Half of the 114th) but
it was decided to determine a name at later date. The motion was passed.
Stanley offered to be a point of contact for any who were interested in forming
the group and who might help in the formation, StanShipman@prodigy.net Attendees commented on how nice it was to see
so many children and grandchildren. It was suggested that activities be
planned for children at future reunions. Harriet Shipman explained about completing the
cookbook. She apologized that some recipes that had been submitted for the
book were not included because she did not receive them. If recipes are
sent to her, she will work on a supplement that can be inserted in the books.
She was thanked for bringing the project to completion. Introductions were made among the group,
sharing information about where they were from and when their spouse served with
the 114th. This led to a sharing of stories about their experiences while
their husbands served and in the years since. The lack of acknowledgement
for the service of the Vietnam Veterans and their families was discussed.
It was noted that All expressed gratitude for the friendships and support that
the 114th Association provided their husbands and among the wives. It was
mentioned that there might be enough stories among the families to do another
book. It was suggested that everyone write down stories and bring back to
the next reunion in two years. All were encouraged to contact their
congressmen about correcting the offset that occurs with those on disability and
their social security. Also, mentioned was benefits offered by the VA,
especially for Vietnam veterans when it came to certain illnesses. Others
shared the problems their spouses had had with the VA hospitals.
I was born when my Dad, Charles (Charlie)
Shipman, was at Vinh Long. When I attended (actually worked at - helping my
parents) the 114th Aviation Company Association Reunion in Columbia in 2001 it
was interesting to hear about how my dad learned of my birth as he was flying
out on a mission. I guess I feel a special bond to the organization and through
my attendance I have a better idea of the sacrifices made for the sake of
freedom. It was also an honor to meet George Young and, even though he was in
poor health, to see the kind of respect he has earned from those who served with
him. At this last reunion in
Washington it was moving to attend the service for George at Arlington and the
Company memorial service at The Wall. It was also interesting to hear about the
exploits of the 114th in Panama and learn more about the Company's involvement
in Vietnam. I am so exited about this group that I am becoming an Associate
Member. Also during the Washington
reunion, I attended the 114th Auxiliary meeting. I did this after discussions
with my Dad about the possibility of formalizing the Auxiliary Group (to include
children and grandchildren) to help insure that the memory of the 114th lives
on. The idea caught on with the Ladies at the meeting, which culminated with a
unanimous vote to formulize the Auxiliary. There are many thoughts on
how to do this, but first and foremost, this group must "piggyback"
off of the 114th Aviation Association. So, I am writing this article to generate
ideas and interest. We need the involvement and ideas of Active and Lifetime
Members and, of course, we need interest from the kids and grandkids of those
who served in the 114th. Those who are interested in
helping preserve the legacy and heritage of the 114th Aviation Company, those
interested in ensuring that the memory of the leaders and heroes live on, and
those who want to see to it that the multi-faceted role of the Company through
the years is not forgotten, please contact me. I may be reached at StanShipman@prodigy.net
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Created by Terry A. Dell, White Knight
Crewchief 69-70' Republic of Vietnam
in association with members of the 114th Assault Helicopter Company
who served
May 1963 to February 1972.
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