114th Aviation Company |
Unknown Vietnam Veterans Memorial Washington |
Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund The Wall had an important mission when dedicated in 1982: To help heal the wounds and honor Vietnam Veterans. The Wall also helped to heal the nation's wounds. Three decades later the mission continues with the Education Center at The Wall. This will honor America's Legacy of Service including those serving our nation today in the Armed Forces.
The url is: http://www.vvmf.org/ |
Indicates Photo Page
* Akana, Franklin Randolph
Arakaki, Wayne Allen
* Ballard, Carl Hershel
Barnes, William Edward
* Bell, Marvin Vincent
Bentson, Russell Dean
* Bergeron, Simeon Joseph A.
* Beverly, Francis Marion
* Bolton, Dennis Lewis
* Boyd, William Demarr
Brown, Steven Merle
* Bryant, Johnny Leon
Butcher Jr., Gale W.
* Cavanaugh, William Thomas
Colvin, Paul Silvey
* Cook, Weyman Terry
* Crawford, Stanley Wendel
Davidson, Gerald Wayne
* Drake, John Peter Donaldson, Everette Leroy
* Duncan, William Bradley
Dunn, Ralph Allen
Dupre, Norman Lee
* Edwards Jr., Charles Harold
* Flores, Douglas
Foley,Thomas Harold
Galambos, Joseph Gary
* Gauvin, Roger Edward
Griffin, David Scott * Hanson, William H.
* Head, Billy Ray * Hereau, Danny Edward
* Hickman, Steven Murdock
* Hiebert, John Michael
Holguin, Frank John
* Honaker, Ralph
* Hosaka, Isaac Yoshiro Hulsey, James Aubrey
* Hunt, Samuel L.
* Jones, Clarence Lloyd
* Jordan, Richard Kenneth
* Keeter, Marvin Ross
* Kieme, Bruce Douglas
Kleppin, Kenneth Thomas
* MacDonald, Jerome James
* Miller Jr., Carl Socrates
Miller, David Edward
Mosburg, Henry Lee
* Murphy, Jerry Ray
Jr., Hugh Reavis
* Pelch, Michael J. D.
Phillips, Marvin Foster
* Poole, Charles Burton
Ragsdale, Robert Louis
Riley, Ernst
Rupcic, Raymond Ellsworth
* Sabine IV, John Shaw
* Schuster, Daniel Carl
* Scott, Kenneth DavidShannon, Kenneth Arthur
* Shea, John Francis
* Shimek, Albert Lawrence
Slingerland, Gerald Howard
* Strock, Charles FrederickTerry Jr., Frederick G.
* Torres-Rivera, Rafael R.
Tucker, Charles Gilbert
* Uebler Jr., Roy Nicholas
Upton, Carleton Webster
* Vrba Jr., James Mathew
* Warren Jr., William Thomas
Wilhelm, David Kenneth
Wright, James Paige
Wright Jr., Wyley
Special Request:
Photo's are needed of our Killed in Action.
If you have a photo of any of them in Military
Dress uniform,
please contact or email your photos to the Webmaster
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Created by Terry A. Dell, White Knight Crew-chief 69-70' Republic of Vietnam
in association with members of the 114th Assault Helicopter Company
who served
May 1963 to February 1972.
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