~ These News Brief page excerpts are brought to you by John Laughinghouse
For U.S. Forces in Vietnam
Volume 1, No. 102 |
Saigon, Vietnam |
Wednesday, October 21, 1964 |
U.S. Photographer Shot During ARVN Strike In Vinh Long An American free-lance photographer was wounded in the leg Monday during an “Eagle flight” operation in Vinh Long Province some 77 miles southwest of Saigon that netted a heavy toll of communist guerrillas, a U.S. military source said late yesterday. James Pickerell, the photographer, was hit as he accompanied a search-and-destroy operation as part of the successful airborne strike that killed 34 Viet Cong insurgents. According to the report, a major battle began about 10:30 Monday morning after helicopters of the 13th Aviation Battalion had lifted ARVN reconnaissance units into the area. Pickerell was wounded when a Viet Cong straggler apparently hit him with a sniper shot. He is reported doing well after being evacuated to the Navy Hospital In Saigon.
Volume 1, No. 225 |
Saigon, Vietnam |
Thursday, March 18, 1965 |
One U.S. Killed, Three Wounded In Vinh Long One U.S. Navy officer was killed and three other Americans injured Tuesday during a combination air, ground and river assault action in Vinh Long province 65 miles southwest of Saigon. During the search and destroy operation conducted by the 9th Division 20 Viet Cong were known dead and another 30 estimated killed while RVN losses were three killed and eight wounded. The operation continued into the early afternoon without contact but at 2 p.m. Regional Forces troops engaged an estimated two VC companies. It was during this initial contact that the first Army enlisted advisor was wounded. Later in the afternoon a second Army man was wounded during one of the five helicopter landings made during the day. Enemy fire was encountered at each of the landing zones, however, the Huey co-pilot was the only helicopter crewman wounded. The advisor and helicopter crewman were both treated and returned to duty. A four-boat River Assault Group bad been unable to join in the engagement earlier in the day because of low tides. The boats were proceeding into the embattled area to assist friendly forces when the Viet Cong brought them under fire, killing the American Navy Officer advisor and wounding the U.S. sailor. The Navy enlisted man sustained a serious chest wound and was evacuated to the Navy Hospital in Saigon where his condition was reported good Wednesday night. Contact with the enemy troops was broken Tuesday night and no further engagements were reported through Wednesday evening.
Volume 1, No. 229 |
Saigon, Vietnam |
Tuesday, March 23, 1965 |
A search and destroy operation Sunday resulted in 28 communist Viet Cong killed and another 28 captured in Kien Hoa province 50 miles south of Saigon according to U.S. military spokesmen. Scattered ground engagements resulted after 24 Army UH-1B helicopters escorted by 12 armed Hueys, made four heli-lifts into the coastal marshlands of Kien Hoa. The spokesman said ten women suspects were detained following the engagements
and 17 Helicopter crew members reported moderate small arms fire while the craft were in the landing zones but there were no U.S. casualties during the lifts. ARVN troops suffered four wounded during the action that was continuing Monday night.
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Created by Terry A. Dell, White Knight
Crewchief 69-70' Republic of Vietnam
in association with members of the 114th Assault Helicopter Company
who served
May 1963 to February 1972.
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